






und kunst









1:29 p.m. : 2002-08-17 : HTM-Hewwwyeah

I must apologize to you all for whatever problems you may be having with my site. Ever since we had that old archive situation I've been trying to fix it and it looks like I am going to need outside help. Wil and Susan informed me last night over garlic shrimp, sangria and angulas that my archive page is screwy and that the entries that are displayed at the bottom of the current entry link to further screwiness and not actually to real entries. I also noticed that sometimes all of a sudden (in browsers other than the shit AOL one I use) my page will change font for no apparent reason and I must also apologize for that. It should be fixed soon, with the help of some Very Special Friends:


I'm stuck at "view source" because that notepad keeps coming up blank. What the hell is that?

As you already know I only possess the bare minimum of html know-how and now the jig is up.

Now I have to do the whole thing over. Pee pee.

*Which reminds me-same era-Sebastian Bach and his blonde girlfriend/wife were on John Edward a couple days ago and every time John would bring up something very specific like, "Are you going on a ski trip really soon?" or "Was your grandmother's big hobby like, bird-watching?" Sebastian would say, really loud, "DUDE! You're totally freaking me OUT!" Upon which blonde girlfriend/wife would touch his arm and quietly shush him. It was hilarious. "You just NAILED it, right THERE!"

One of these days I'll need to do a Who's Who Then and Now of the butt rock boys. I'd like to see old and new pictures juxtaposed, wouldn't you? Reduce those once somewhat rockin' human beings to then and now pictures and nothing else? See how they've held up with all the drugs and pussy? It's crazy what a double standard there is-since I'm a woman I'm allowed to post old and new pictures of those guys and pick apart every zit and wrinkle. But if a thinking man did that we'd all go, "DUDE! You're totally freaking me OUT!"

There is the argument of course that these guys wanted to be reduced to sex symbols/pieces of meat when they were playing and did the same to women. Sweet Cherry Pie, you kiddin' me? So it's only natural that the meat will still be up for inspection once it's begun to rot.

Stay tuned for Jenn's Magnificent Butt Rock Photo Retrospective Extravaganza: Our Boys, Then and Now.


You'll all be glad to know I've fixed my html and we're all fired up and moving straight ahead... we've got the Ruby Fuss spirit that knocks you dead... yeah, DEAD! (Did I mention I was captain of our dinksvill cheerleading squad in eighth grade? Don't worry--it ended there. And it was only basketball cheerleading anyway so we weren't exposed to nature's delicate sensibilities).

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Give Me Clix, If It Pleases You

I declare this blog �old timey,� ya flibbertigibbet! - 2012-05-27

I Heart Heart Of Gold! - 2006-03-27

Catster, Geezster - 2005-12-20

Le Divorce - 2005-12-12

'Cuz We Need A Little Christmas... - 2005-12-06

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All material on this site �2001 to the present copyrighted Ruby Fuss Inc. except where otherwise noted, quoted, or linked. Design �poo designs with colors and images by Ruby Fuss and other parties noted and linked (Scientist graphic by busy-milkman). To quote Sailor Jerry, "Steal [it] and we will sue you." Stir and enjoy!