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11:59 p.m. : 2005-03-24 : It's You Girl, And You Should Know It--You're Gonna Suck It After All

Would it be wrong to tell my father�s girlfriend that when I�m talking to her I start to doubt the existence of God, the benevolence of the universe, the possibility of tapping into the collective unconscious? Yeah, probably. I haven�t even seen her in a while but when I think back to her unapologetic anti-Semitism I get bristly and could easily work myself into a quite a lather, quite a rage. The last time she had anything nasty to say about Jewish people I really got on her. I just don�t get her whole thing, and how my father could be with her. She�s a terrible person. She said something along the lines of (in her thick Polish accent), �You know, you can�t say now, you don�t like Jews, even though, you know, you don�t like.� I was so far up her ass by the end of my diatribe that my Dad had to come coax me out like a tapeworm, with steamed milk. She was very insulted when I told her she sounded like a Nazi because, well, her father was apparently born in a concentration camp. I�ve never been able to get a straight answer about her bigotry�probably because there is none. None that would ever satisfy me, anyway. She�s just a blind hater. And it makes me hate her. I explained to her how insulting that is, whether or not you�re friends with Jewish people�which I happen to be. It�s the opposite of empathy and that is just entering a scary world. Her attitude is the seed of jihad, holocaust, genocide. I can�t believe it. It�s just so unfathomable to me how one human being can look other human beings in the face and� I�m just at a loss for words of how ridiculous and evil it is. I was so angry at her that my father had to come in and talk me down. My siblings and I are so accommodating that we just never set the necessary ground rules and limits for someone like this. I, personally, would prefer not to see her at all. My father is respectful of this and it�s a given that she�s not invited to dinner when we go out together. But it was time to let her know that this is my family�s house, and I won�t have that kind of talk in it. Fuckin� bitch.

I despise resorting to the same hateful energy, but it just makes me so angry. And I�m not going to just stand around like Nazi Germany and let the shit continue. I don�t think this woman is trying to lynch anybody at �how do you say, Nieman Marcose?� but her rhetoric frightens me. I�m frightened for this country, for the world, for the human race. What the hell are we going to evolve into? When hate crimes in high schools are status quo. Yikes yikes yikes. I wasn�t going to go out for drinks tonight but I�ve gotten myself all worked up. I think when Brent gets out of work we�ll have to raise a glass at Bukowski�s. Maybe Shay�s, my favorite, depending on what time he gets out. It�s almost midnight now.

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