






und kunst









11:53 a.m. : 2002-01-09 : Word, Prayer, People

Dictionary.com word of the day is the proverbial egg cream. I love it. The word always seems to have something to do with my day at large, not unlike when I was in high school and my dad would give me the Daily Word to read on the way to school or wherever we were going... maybe it was on the way to church. I didn't mind reading the Daily Word (you can email them prayers on their web site and they�ll pray for your intentions... I think that�s cool-- http://www.unityworldhq.org/silent_unity.htm). It wasn't invasively religious. It was indeed religious but it was gentle and more comforting than many a homily I'd heard. There would be one or several words highlighted at the top for the day- "Let Go," or "Joy." And it would say things like, "My spirit is alive with joy!" Yeah, could be a dishwashing detergent commercial or a line from Japanese stationary but I took what I could get in those high school years. A steady diet of the Cure, The Smiths and the Daily Word on the way to school... with a couple knee socks and safety pins I woulda been the hottest thing going at the old skool (Billy Joel�s Virginia of my generation?). But I went to public school � Mom, Dad� why didn�t you make me go to Catholic school? The knee socks and deep-seated psychological problems would have made me so much sexier! Just kidding� Thanks to my sisters for convincing them not to send me to Catholic School. Those girls may have gotten the guys back when I was sixteen but they�re all pregnant now. Or in sanitariums. Or they�re licking batteries. Or eating babies. Or picking lice off dogs. Or smelling other people�s farts all day for sport.

Anyway, "abominate" doesn't really describe how I'm feeling today. Maybe something dark and evil is to come. Bwahhahaha. I'm actually a bit giddy. Can you tell? We put another offer on another place but I don�t think we�re going to get this one either so I won�t go into all the beautiful details about it. We�ll just wait and see.

All of my diary entries seem to dissolve into gross bodily function in the same paragraph as something sacred� Well, I did grow up Catholic. But I�m not German.

I meant to write an entry on the power of prayer�the science behind it and all�and this is what happened. I ROCK!

I bought Brent a button yesterday that says, "Jesus is coming. Look busy." I found it at one of my new favorite stores, "Joi de Vivre." I also picked up a mug of Henry VIII and his "disappearing wives��you put hot liquid in it and they go away. I also bought these trading cards called �People Cards� that have pictures of ordinary people on them with their mottoes, bad habits, favorite snack, etc. There is something totally sad and depressing about them in a really funny way I just can�t resist. You can even sign up on their web site (www.peoplecards.net) to become one of the people!

�Glenda loves to travel, but her idea of perfect happiness is being with her family. The quality she likes most in herself is her ability to care about others, and the possession she holds dearest is her grandmother's cabinet. A weird thing she does: "I wear crazy shirts. I wear the kind children like. I love to make children smile. Her most pronounced habit: staying up all night.� Movie: True Dramas, Color: Blue, Web site: www.jewel.net/gj, Books: non-fiction, Food: cheese pizza, Animals: tigers, Drink: diet coke, Place: DelMar, CA, Hobbies: family and the Internet, Most Used Expression: �I love you.�

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